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What Is a Bruised Tooth and How Long It Takes to Heal

A woman with a toothache sitting in a dentist's chair.

The bruised tooth may sound like an injury caused by a nasty hit of some sort, but it’s much more complicated than that. Well, it is caused by physical trauma, however not just one, but a series of small traumas. Too much shock and pressure on the teeth can sprain the ligaments and this dental condition is called a bruised tooth.

The ligaments in a person’s tooth can either get damaged or inflamed. If a patient experiences a lingering toothache, they should definitely pay a visit to a trusted dentist. Sure, a persistent toothache can also be a sign that it’s time for a wisdom tooth removal, but it may indicate a bruised tooth. Therefore, it’s best to consult a professional.

Main Causes of the Sprained Tooth Syndrome

bruised tooth symptoms

The ligaments in a patient’s tooth usually get damaged from too much pressure or a hard bite on sharp food. Recklessly eating sharp food can also cause a person’s gums to bleed. In most cases, patients feel a sharp pain in their teeth that resembles a common toothache. However, determining a ligament sprain is a bit simpler because the pain is usually localized to one tooth.

There are plenty of different ways a person can sprain their tooth. Here are the most common causes of this dental condition:

  • clenching of the teeth
  • teeth grinding at night
  • nail biting
  • dental surgeries (like root canal surgery for example)
  • biting on hard foods
  • overfilled or underfilled cavity filling
  • various tooth infections
  • trauma from small objects like seeds, kernels, or ice
  • allergies or a cold

If a person is feeling a lingering pain in a tooth and they’ve done something from this list, they should seek attention from their dentist.

Sprained Tooth Symptoms

One of the most noticeable bruised tooth symptoms is, of course, pain. More specifically, patients should pay attention to dull or achy pain. This is usually a clear sign of a ligament sprain in a tooth. However, some people experience sharp, localized pain in one tooth.

The most important thing patients should note is the fact that, in the case of ligament sprain, the pain is localized.

Therefore, if the pain occurs in an open area or is hard to locate, this is most likely a simple infection or toothache. Still, this also requires thorough medical attention from an experienced dentist.

On the other hand, a bruised tooth is not a medical emergency. Patients can even wait a few days to see if the tooth will heal on its own. However, if the pain persists, consulting a dentist is recommended.

Bruised tooth symptoms include:

  • lingering soreness
  • inflammation
  • sensitivity
  • redness
  • bleeding gums

How to Treat Bruised Tooth

bruised tooth treatment

Most patients want to know how long it takes for sprained tooth ligaments to heal. Unfortunately, there’s no definitive answer to this question. The truth is, it can take some time to heal. The main reason for this is the fact that it’s difficult for a person to not use their teeth on a daily basis.

The ligaments in a bruised tooth can’t heal in a short period of time because of the daily chewing, speaking, and swallowing.

Not taking care of the bruised teeth can worsen pain symptoms. The pain can even spread to surrounding tissues. A patient should visit a dentist if this happens because the pain in the surrounding tissue means that the ligaments are badly inflamed.

The best way to treat a bruised tooth is to try to rest it. This may sound a bit complicated, simply because people use their teeth every day, but it’s the only way to treat this dental condition. A patient should avoid chewing and talking as much as they can. Food in liquid form is essential in the healing process.

If the pain a person is feeling is too much to bear, the dentist may prescribe medication to reduce pain and inflammation.

Clenching and grinding of the teeth are the two most common causes of bruised teeth, therefore, patients who tend to do this should definitely consider using a mouth guard for protection and relief.
As stated before, this is not a dental emergency and, in most cases, bruised teeth heal on their own, but if the pain is persistent, the patient should visit a reputable dentist and ask for their professional opinion.

